The Butterfly

The butterfly is a wonderful symbol of the
transformation and metamorphosis a
survivors of trauma goes through in the
healing process. Even if your wings have
been clipped or broken, there is hope!


IPSICC is an approved and recognized member of the Danish Psychotherapeutic Association. You can read more by clicking on the link.

New Accreditation Information for former students

Requirements for earlier ISARPAC graduates who
 want to acquire a Bachelor or Masters Degree
because of the accreditation via IATA.

Our School Location

Løgstør Parkhotel
Toftebjerg Allé
DK-9670 Løgstør :: Denmark
Tel. (+45) 98 67 40 00 (hotel only)


International Psychotherapy School in Christian Culture

Focus on all forms of survivors of abuse, especially on survivors of sexual abuse



Powerful Peace of God

Survivors of trauma are often locked in a world of their own. In order to provide adequate help, it is necessary for ’safe’ persons to enter into this culture of abuse. The biblical concepts of ’grace and peace’ have proven to be important keys in achieving this goal. The encounter with this grace and peace, the Powerful Peace of God, enables the survivor to face the pain, to leave the past and to look with hope towards the future. This is the basis for this school..

Find out more about our school and apply today!


In a Christian and international setting the school will educate IPSICC psychotherapists who from a Christian viewpoint and within agreed relational boundaries can establish a safe, professional, dynamic, integrative, constructive, and healing relationship with clients – both inside and outside churches, especially with survivors of sexual abuse and with their relations too – partners, children, parents and family.

The school is designed to create and establish a place for personal growth and training so that the students can be in a process of professional therapeutic development with a Christian approach.

The educational program is in English and takes (5) years. It consists of (15) modules, and it can be taken while working full time.

What’s Happening

Here is latest events and significant things happening with the school

International Schools and Events

Click below to find out when our next school are, and international events

Types of things you can learn in IPSICC

Here below is a sample of many of the things you will learn and be trained in when you attend. Come an learn more about helping others and learning more about yourself.

Creative Methods

Learning and using creative methods to help survivors in their healing process. For example, tools such as:

Drawings, the inner child, stones, postcard, storytelling, coping cards, rainbow, dolls, collages, put Christ in the chair, boundaries, reframing, creative problem solving, transforming the problem etc.

Other subjects taught:

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Family systems
  • Child development
  • Selfcare
  • Communication
  • PTSD
  • Supervision
  • Suicide
  • Transference/Counter transference
  • Communication
  • Motivational Interviewing

Powerful Peace

Peace is what we all need, and survivors of abuse need it even more.  Peace (Shalom) is an inner peace that permeates our whole being.  We practice and teach a healing method called ‘Powerful Peace’. It helps bring the presence and the peace of God in body, soul and spirit.

Brain, Trauma and Attachment

Some of the latest brain science tools, and how to work with the body using somatic tools like ‘Somatic Experiencing’, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and the role of attachement.

Other subjects

  • Profile of a Christian Counselor
  • Code of Ethics
  • Shame
  • Dissociation
  • Sexology/Sexuality
  • Depression
  • Grief / Bereavement
  • Addiction/codependency
  • Research Methodology
  • Culture
  • Brain, Trauma and Attachment
  • Forgiveness
  • Confrontation
  • Anger
  • Repentance

The School

Here you can find out what it is all about, the dates, the cost, the location, what is required, how to apply, and much much more!

“This is one of the few, perhaps only Christian counseling school in the world that really helps survivors and teaches people how to work with the traumatized and abused.”

L.S. (a fellow 'survivor')

Admin office:

Græsvangen 25,
8381 Tilst

++45 29891431

Use the contact form to the right to let us know how we can help you

Our School Location

Løgstør Parkhotel
Toftebjerg Allé
DK-9670 Løgstør

Løgstør Parkhotel
Toftebjerg Allé
DK-9670 Løgstør

Hotel phone: Tel. (+45) 98 67 40 00
(no school information)

Click on the picture to the left to open Google Maps in another tab